Recipe of stuffed eggplants in the bonifacienne style

By: Dino M. In: Recipes Corsica On: Hit: 36047

As its name suggests, this recipe for stuffed eggplant originates from Bonifacio, a town on the southern tip of Corsica.

For the record, this dish was originally created in a context of poverty, it allowed to avoid waste and to use the bread crumb of the day before and the old cheese. Since then, the recipe of eggplants à la bonifacienne traditional has been enriched and I must confess that it is a real success, it is delicious. The stuffing is made with a mixture of eggplant flesh, garlic, basil, bread crumb dipped in milk, grated Corsican cheese and eggs. The stuffed eggplants are then fried in olive oil. Without further ado, let's go to the realization, to your kitchens, let's go! Do not hesitate to give me your opinion. Buon appetitu!

Ingredients for 6 persons

  • 10 round eggplants
  • 600g of Corsican cheese (tomme - goat - ewe)
  • 300g of breadcrumbs
  • 50cl of milk
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 15 basil leaves
  • 3 eggs
  • 20cl of olive oil
  • Salt, pepper


Total time: 45 min = Preparation: 30 min + Cooking: 15 min

Step 1: Grate the cheese, prepare the breadcrumbs, chop the basil and garlic and set aside.
Step 2: Cut the eggplants in two and cook them for 10 to 15 minutes in boiling salted water. Drain them and let them cool on a tea towel.
Step 3: Put the breadcrumbs to soak in cold milk.
Step 4: Remove the flesh of the eggplants without piercing the skin. Drain the skin well to remove as much water as possible.
Step 5: Drain the soaked bread crumb well.
Step 6: Chop the eggplant flesh.
Step 7: In a salad bowl, mix the eggplant flesh, basil, garlic, grated Corsican cheese, breadcrumbs, eggs, salt and pepper.
Step 8: Fill each 1/2 eggplant with this stuffing.
Step 9: In a large bowl, pour the olive oil and then fry the eggplants, stuffing side 6 to 8 minutes, then on the other side 4 to 5 minutes. It is ready!


Eggplant à la bonifacienne can be eaten hot or cold. For my part, I recommend that you cover your hot eggplants with a good homemade tomato sauce and accompany them with grilled fish.


You can keep them for 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator.

To finish, I wish you a good day or evening and invite you to come and discover other equally delicious recipes. And for those who are short of time, do not hesitate to visit our store of Corsican products, we propose you many products made in the respect of the tradition. CorseBoutique, the best of Corsica. Thanks to all of you!


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