Recipe of scrambled eggs with sea urchins

The chestnuts of the sea always have a privileged place on the Corsican tables. Scrambled eggs with sea urchins, also called sea urchin scramble, is a popular recipe for the holidays.
I propose you a refined starter with an iodized flavor. All you have to do is go to the nearest market and select the most beautiful products. This recipe is simple to make, but take the time to read the recipe carefully and prepare all the ingredients in advance.
Ingredients for 4
- 4 sea urchins
- 2 eggs
- 10 g butter
- 1 teaspoon of heavy cream
- Salt and white pepper
- A spoonful of sturgeon caviar (optional)
Preparation of the Scrambled Eggs with Sea Urchins
(Total time : 30min)
Step 1: Open the sea urchins with scissors, then remove the tongues with a teaspoon.
Step 2: Rinse the gutted sea urchins with water and store in an airtight box.
Step 3: Whisk the eggs in a bowl with a little salt and white pepper.
Step 4: Add the sea urchin tongues to the eggs, but save 4 for last.
Step 5: Put the butter in a saucepan over low heat, once melted, add the eggs. Once soft, add the cream and mix.
Step 6: Serve the scrambled eggs in the urchin shells (or in verrines) with the urchin tongues on top. (optional: the spoonful of sturgeon caviar)
To accompany the scrambled eggs with sea urchins, I recommend a dry and rather young Corsican white wine.
Once opened, the sea urchins must be eaten within the same day. With their envelope, they can be kept 24 hours in the refrigerator, in an airtight box and covered with a wet cloth.
To finish, I wish you a good day or evening and invite you to come and discover other equally delicious recipes. And for those which miss time, do not hesitate to visit our store of Corsican products, we propose you many products manufactured in the respect of the tradition. CorseBoutique, the best of Corsica. Thanks to all !
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